How to Make Salmon Sushi
You will need:
Sashimi-Grade Salmon
Avocado, trimmed into 8″ strips
Cucumber, trimmed into 8″ strips
Soy Sauce for Dipping
This recipe couldn’t be any simpler. For those of you familiar with different kinds of sushi, you’ll notice that it looks really similar for the recipe for how to make California Rolls. You would be correct! These recipes are almost identical, except that the cooked imitation crab in the California Roll is swapped out for raw salmon in this roll. That makes it a significant step up for someone just getting their feet wet in the wonderful word of sushi.
First you’re going to spread your rice out on the nori (remember, keep the nori shiny side down) as described in my other maki roll recipes. If you’re rolling it up as a regular roll (rice on the inside, like the picture below), make sure it’s not spread too thickly, so that you can still see little patches of green nori here and there, and make sure you leave a lip on the top for the roll to seal itself. If you are rolling an inside-out roll (rice on the outside, like the pictures above), you can spread the rice a little thicker and don’t have to leave a lip.
Next, you’re just going to lay out your different ingredients on the rice, about 3/4ths of the way down the sheet of nori. Cut the salmon into thin strips of about 8″ in length and put them on the rice. The cucumber and avocado can be added right next to it. If you’re rolling a normal roll, just use the sushi rolling mat to roll it up, cut, and enjoy! If you’re rolling an inside-out roll, you’ll need to flip the nori and rice over and place the ingredients down on the backside inside, and then roll it up, cut, and enjoy. Use a bowl of water nearby to keep your hands damp so that the rice doesn’t stick too much, and use the sushi rolling mat to keep the roll uniform and compact.
I simply love sushi, easy to make and super delicious! =) Have followed your blog, kindly visit at and stay in touch! =)